Lean Construction

What Lean Construction means for our Customers
At NYCO, we understand the challenges and complexities involved in both new construction projects and facilities maintenance. In order to cater to all of your planning and scheduling needs, we utilize an expansive work force and stringent quality control measures to ensure your project, no matter how big or how small, is completed on time and on budget. However we don't stop there. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our services, respond to customer feedback and streamline our operations. We utilize the principles of lean construction in order to reduce our price and improve the efficiency of delivery to our customers.
Defying the Status Quo
Good enough is not our in our vocabulary. There is always a way to innovate a process, so we commit to one major operations enhancement per quarter. For our customers this means we are consistently finding new ways to either lower our price or improve our quality. Embodying continuous improvement is not just in our mission statement, it's our way of doing business.
To learn about how our lean construction practices and continuous improvement programs can help your bottom line, contact the team at NYCO.